What Are the Benefits of Giving?

Maximum Tax Deductibility

The Stout Foundation has been granted tax exempt status as a public charity under the provisions of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As a result, gifts to the Stout Foundation qualify for maximum tax deductibility for the individual giver.

Memorial Gifts To Honor Those You Love

Friends or relatives of loved ones may choose to make a donation in the name of a particular person as a way to honor his/her life. These donations can be made in response to family requests or can be as a personal donation to the foundation. All such donations will be appropriately acknowledged.

Partnering With the Mackinaw Stout Foundation To Achieve Goals

In addition to individual gifts to the Foundation, qualified organizations can choose to partner with the Mackinaw Stout Foundation to achieve goals related to their mission and funding.

  • Under these agreements the Stout Foundation would provide careful stewardship of your assets to achieve the greatest investment performance through professional investment management.
  • These “partner” agreements primarily involve other 501(c) (3) tax exempt organizations whose purposes are charitable, educational, scientific, religious, literary or cultural.
  • These organizations retain their identity, including separate fund balances, and continue control over their grants.
  • Grants may be supplemented by Mackinaw Stout Foundation funds through the normal grant approval process.
  • The primary advantage these organizations would have in partnering with the Stout Foundation is the pooling of investments and professional administration of funds.